Dramatists Guild of America welcomes Peter Solis Nery

The Dramatists Guild, America’s professional association of playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists dedicated to protecting, informing, and promoting the interests of dramatists, has officially accepted Filipino playwright Peter Solis Nery as a member of The Dramatist Guild of America. Nery was among the new members welcomed and listed in the May/June 2010 issue of The

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Literature and Lies: Writing, Writers and Wastebaskets

It’s final: The French salon and English pub-themed writing and writers’ tete-a-tete runs May 1-5. Venue: Prima City, Dumangas, Iloilo. Prima City is a three-story commercial building with a pool that’s owned by transgressive Ilonggo writer, Peter Solis Nery. Nery is now based in Los Angeles, California. This is not your run-of-the-mill workshop where participants’

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